We offer webinars on request, which typically consist of 2-3 sessions of 2 hours each. Please have a look at the following standard options for a webinar that covers from Basic to Intermediate level. The hourly price of a standard webinar is 180 EUR (as listed here). The price is per connection up to 6 participants (more persons reduce the quality of the course since it becomes harder to accommodate all questions and requests).
The standard webinar is based on default rooms that are sufficient to demonstrate the various operations in the software. Small modifications of the standard program are possible without extra charge.
If greater modifications are required in the course material itself (e.g. re-writing exercises for specific rooms by the customer or for adding new topics in the exercises) then the hourly price is 250 EUR (as listed here).
For basic to intermediate users. 4 hours in total: 720 EUR.
For basic to intermediate users. 4 hours in total: 720 EUR.
For intermediate to advanced users. 6 hours in total: 1080 EUR.
Copyright © 2024 Odeon A/S
DTU Science Park, Diplomvej Bldg. 381
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Tlf: +45 8870 8845
CVR No. DK 26391253
Feel free to contact us for any question you may have! We will do our best to answer as soon as possible!
We can even set up a Skype demonstration before a potential purchase.
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Feel free to contact us for any question you may have! We will do our best to answer as soon as possible!
We can even set up a Skype demonstration before a potential purchase.
Please notice that you are contacting Odeon Room Acoustic Software company, which is not related to any other businesses that use the same name (Odeon cinemas, Odeon in Odense etc.).
Unfortunately we receive a lot of false inquiries lately. These will be deleted immediately in our account. Thank you for your understanding.
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