Claus Lynge Christensen

Managing Director

Claus Lynge Christensen joined Odeon in 1993 and is the managing director of Odeon.

  • Master of Science in Engineering (masters project in acoustics) , 1990 — 1992, Technical University of Denmark. 
  • BSc. Civil engineering, 1986 — 1989, Haslev Teknikum, Denmark.
  • February 2012- Present: Managing Director, Odeon A/S.
  • January 2010 – Present: CensorNet, Censor in Building and Room Acoustics at Technical University of Denmark.
  • August 2009 – 2012: Director Research & Development at Odeon A/S.
  • July 2002 – July 2009: Software engineer, Research & Development.
  • July 1998 – June 2002: Assistant research professor at Acoustic Technology, Technical University of Denmark.
  • February 1993 – June 1998: Research assistant at Acoustic Technology, Technical University of Denmark.
Research & Development – highlights
  • Geometry reduction: Algorithms for automated simplification and correction of complex 3D models into simpler ones better suited for high frequency modelling.
  • Auralisation: Implementing state of the art auralisation for presentation of room acoustics simulations over headphones, stereo speakers and surround setups. Developing enhanced HRTF technology for improved localization and out of head experience in binaural auralisation.
  • Scattering & Diffraction: Developing new methods for scattering in room acoustics modeling, including the Reflection Based scattering method and Lambert Oblique. Implementation of one and two point diffraction methods according to A.D. Pierce into Odeon and implementing methods for automatic detection of diffraction paths in arbitrary 3D geometries.
  • Measurement: Development of room acoustics measurement system with the focus on optimizing automatic processing for reproducible results in terms of room acoustics parameters.