Mathias Klahn

Research & Development

Mathias Klahn joined Odeon in 2022 and is involved in Research and Development.

  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, 2018-2021, Technical University of Denmark.
  • MSc. in Physics, 2015-2017, Aarhus University.
  • BSc. in Physics, 2012-2015, Aarhus University.

  • March 2022 – Present: Research and Development at Odeon A/S

  • May 2021 – March 2022: Engineer at LICengineering A/S.

  • January 2018 – April 2018: Highschool teacher at Egaa Gymnasium.

Areas of Interest

Room acoustics, Physical modelling, Computational mathematics, High performance computing.

  • Klahn, M., Madsen, P. A. & Fuhrman, D. R. 2021 Mean and variance of the Eulerian and Lagrangian horizontal velocities induced by nonlinear multi-directional irregular water waves. Proc. R. Soc. A (477), 20210516.
  • Klahn, M., Madsen, P. A. & Fuhrman, D. R. 2021 On the statistical properties of inertia and drag forces in nonlinear multi-directional irregular water waves. J. Fluid Mech. (916).
  • Klahn, M., Madsen, P. A. & Fuhrman, D. R. 2021 Simulation of three-dimensional nonlinear water waves using a pseudospectral volumetric method with an artificial boundary condition. J. Num. Meth. Fluids (93), 1843-1870.
  • Klahn, M., Madsen, P. A. & Fuhrman, D. R. 2021 On the statistical properties of surface elevation, velocities and accelerations in multi-directional irregular water waves. J. Fluid Mech. (910).
  • Klahn, M., Madsen, P. A. & Fuhrman, D. R. 2021 A new -transform based Fourier-Legendre-Galerkin model for nonlinear water waves. J. Num. Meth. Fluids (93 (1)), 220-248.
  • Klahn, M., Madsen, P. A. & Fuhrman, D. R. 2020 On the accuracy and applicability of a new implicit Taylor method and the high-order spectral method on steady nonlinear waves. Proc. R. Soc. A (476), 20200436.
Selected Projects
  • A numerical investigation of irregular water waves and their statistical properties, PhD thesis, 2021, Technical University of Denmark.
  • Ionisering af hydrogen med statiske og tidsafhængige elektriske felter, MSc. thesis, 2017, Aarhus University.