Reverberation in Grundtvigs Church
The complicated room acoustics of cathedrals and mosques are presented with ease by the auralisation methods used in ODEON. This example takes you to three different spots in a model of the Grundtvigs Church – a large cathedral in the northern part of Copenhagen, Denmark. The dimensions of the church are approximately (L x W x H) = (63 x 30 x 20) metres and the overall reverberation time ranges from 12.5 seconds at 63 Hz to 1.4 seconds at 8 kHz.
In the auralisations below, there are two groups of sources. Group 1 is the four left-most sources, while group 2 is the four sources in the middle. Each auralisation only has one group active at a time.
Anechoic source signal
Anechoic source signal

Demo sounds
View from receiver
Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver

Below you may download an ODEON Zip Archive of this example, which is a packaged ODEON model (for ODEON Auditorium or Combined, 15.15 or newer) containing all the necessary files to run it: room geometry, assigned materials, source and receiver placements, anechoic recordings, etc. The extracted anechoic recordings can then be used for auralizations on any other room model.
To unzip an ODEON Zip Archive:
- Launch ODEON
- Go to File > Zip > Unzip archive
- Select your downloaded ODEON Zip Archive
- Select a folder to extract the files
ODEON will then automatically load the room.
ODEON Zip Archive download
Room: Grundtvigs Church. Anechoic recording: Guillaume de Machaut: “Kyrie”, produced by the University of Bologna.
We have more ODEON Zip Archives available for download, which include different room models and anechoic recordings.
Below are some older, additional auralisations, where a bassoon duo is simulated using a two track recording and simulating two sources in the church. In these examples, all receivers are directed towards the altar and the source, and it is easy to notice the long reverberation time.
Anechoic source signal
Anechoic source signal

Demo sounds
View from receiver
Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver

Demo sound
View from receiver