Here you can listen to blues and flamenco played virtually in a church. The multi source auralisations are based on anechoic recordings from Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
Source and receiver positions for the auralisation.
Below you may download an ODEON Zip Archive of this example, which is a packaged ODEON model (for ODEON Auditorium or Combined, 15.15 or newer) containing all the necessary files to run it: room geometry, assigned materials, source and receiver placements, anechoic recordings, etc. The extracted anechoic recordings can then be used for auralisations on any other room model.
To unzip an ODEON Zip Archive:
ODEON will then automatically load the room.
We have more ODEON Zip Archives available for download, which include different room models and anechoic recordings.
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DTU Science Park, Diplomvej Bldg. 381
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Tlf: +45 8870 8845
CVR No. DK 26391253
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