Home » Learn » Video Tutorials » Introductions to ODEON
Home » Learn » Video Tutorials » Introductions to ODEON
Below you will find introduction videos. They will show you the very basics of the ODEON workflow. The videos can also be used with the DEMO edition. However, if using Basics, Industrial or Auditorium, a few of the shown functions may not available in your edition.
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A showcase of ODEON’s features, categorized by edition.
0:00 Intro
0:43 ODEON Basics
4:45 ODEON Industrial & Auditorium
5:39 ODEON Industrial
6:59 ODEON Auditorium
11:33 Free demo and feature sheet
A showcase of ODEON’s features, categorized by edition.
0:00 Intro
0:08 New high-resolution interface
0:27 Soundscape app
1:42 360 auralisation
2:25 Importing IFC BIM
2:49 Layer mode
3:35 Compare and average multi-point responses
4:25 Loading IRs to multi-point jobs
5:08 Clickable options in hedgehog plots
5:51 Rescaling HRTFs
6:05 Resample wave files
6:18 Alternative material color scales
An extremely simplified introduction to the ODEON software. Only very few elements of the software are introduced, but it gives a general idea of the software’s features.
If you would like to look through the steps in more detail, we’d recommend you go through our quick start guide, or check our other tutorials.
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