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C. L. Christensen, G. Koutsouris: Audio effects for multi-source auralisations. International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio 2021, September 2021, Online. Listen to the examples by clicking here.
R. Šimek, V. Chmelík, J. Húsenicová and M. Rychtáriková: Estimation of the background noise levels in large atria with known room acoustic properties and function. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics. 9-13 September 2019, Aachen, Germany.
T. Kohrs: Sound propagation and distribution around typical train carbody structures. Proceedings of Euronoise 2018, 27-31 May, 2018 Hersonissos, Crete, Greece.
B Peters. Integrating Acoustic Analysis in the Architectural Design Process using Parametric Modeling, Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
D T Bradley. The Effect of Source Directivity and Side-Wall Scattering on Binaural Hearing Objective Measures, Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
B K Lee, P J Lee, J Y Jeon. Architectural Influences on Speech Privacy in Computer Simulated Open Plan Offices, Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
Z Yüksel Can, G Konuk, A Özçevik, S Erdogan, R Ayangil. Room Acoustics Parameters and Turkish Melodic Music, Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
P Minnaar, C Breitsprecher, M Holmberg. Simulating Complex Listening Environments in the Laboratory for Testing Hearing Aids. Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
M Rychtarikova, T Bogaert, G Vermeir, J Wouters. Perceptual Validation of Room Acoustic Simulation Method for Sound Source Localisation and Speech Intelligibility Tests. Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
J H Rindel. An Impedance Model for Estimating the Complex Pressure Reflection Factor. Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011.
Zühre Sü-Gül (1) and Mehmet Çalıskan. Acoustical Design of Inner Galleries in Heydar Aliyev Center, Proc. at ICA , Sydney, Australia, August 23-27, 2010.
Gregory Lemaire, Per Trojgaard Andersen. Intelligibillity prediction in rolling stocks using ray tracing methods. 10ème Congrès Francais d´Acoustique , Lyon, France, April 12-16, 2010.
M Jedovnicky, M Rychtarikova, G Vermeir. Prediction of statistical noise values in an urban square by using auralisation. Euronoise, Edinburgh,Scotland, October 2009.
J H Rindel, C L Christensen, G B Nielsen. Auralisation of soundscapes in large buildings. Euronoise, Edinburgh,Scotland, October 2009
Favrot, S. and Buchholz, J. M. Distance perception in a loudspeaker-based room auralization system. 127th AES convention, New York. October 2009
J H Rindel, G B Nielsen, C L Christensen. Diffraction Around Corners and Over Wide Barriers in Room Acoustic Simulations. The sixteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Krakow, Poland, July 2009.
Arweiler, I., Buchholz, J. M. , Dau, T. Speech intelligibility enhancement by early reflections. Intern. Symp. on Auditory and Audiol. Res. (ISAAR2009), Helsingør, Denmark. 2009.
Buchholz, J. M. and Favrot, S. Loudspeaker-based room auralization in auditory perception research. International Workshop on the principles and applications of spatial hearing IWPASH2009, Sendai, Japan. 2009.
Buchholz, J. M. and Favrot, S. A loudspeaker-based room auralization system for auditory perception research. NAG/DAGA 09, International conference on Acoustics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1295-1298. Marts 2009.
Favrot, S. and Buchholz, J. M. Validation of a loudspeaker-based room auralisation system with speech-intelligibility measures. 126th convention of the Audio Eng. Soc, Munich, Germany (in print). 2009.
G Jónsdóttir. Museum Acoustics, BNAM, Reykjavik, Island 2008. R. Olowski. The acoustic design of the Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Melbourne, Australia. Acoustics 08, Paris,2008.
A. Aydin, A. Tavukcuoglu, M. Caliskan. Assesment of Acoustical Characteristics for Historical Baths (Hammams). Acoustics 08, Paris,2008.
Ivana Balazova, Geo Clausen, Jens Holger Rindel, Torben Poulsen, David P. Wyon. Open-plan office environments: A laboratory experiment to examine the effect of office noise and temperature on human perception, comfort and office work performance, Indoor Air 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark 2008.
Stuttgart, Germany. J.H. Rindel. Types of ancient theatres and their acoustical characteristics. 19th ICA 2007, Madrid, Spain.
K. Şaher, J.H. Rindel, N. Lau. Assessment of room absorption by normal and hearing impaired people. 19th ICA 2007, Madrid, Spain.
K. Şaher, F. Öziş, J.H. Rindel. Assessment of musical instrument performances for practice rooms by musicians. 19th ICA 2007, Madrid, Spain.
J.H. Rindel & C.L. Christensen. Room Acoustic Simulations of Multi-Source Environments. ISRA 2007, Seville, Spain.
Monika Rychtáriková, Tim van den Bogaert, Gerrit Vermeir, Jan Wouters. Virtual Acoustics for Localization of the Speaker in a real and Virtual Reverberant Room. Internoise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
Michal Jelinek, Monika Rychtáriková, Gerrit Vermeir,. Distribution of Background Noise in the Classroom and it´s Influence to Speech Intelligibility. Internoise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
K. Saher, J.H. Rindel. How does architecture sound for different musical instrument performances? Proceedings of International Cross-Disciplinary Conference, Architecture, Music, Acoustics, Toronto, Canada, June 8-10, 2006 (7 pages).
Xiangyang Zeng, Claus Lynge Christensen, Jens Holger Rindel. New Methods for Scattering Coefficients Computation for the Prediction of Room Acoustics Parameters. Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference (ICTCA 2005) Hangzhou, China 19 – 22 September 2005.
Dragana Sumarac Pavlovic, Miomir Mijic. Distribution of mean free path length as an indicator of the room shape and diffusion of reflections. Forum Acusticum 2005. Budapest, Hungary.
Chris Field, Sav Shimada, Acoustic Computer Modelling: A Case Study to Compare Predictions by CATT. Internoise 2005, Rio de Janerio, Brazil.
Jens Holger Rindel. Odeon and the Scattering Coefficient. Pdf-formatted Power Point Presentaion from Odeon Workshop at Baltic-Nordic Acoustical meeting, 8 -10 June 2004, Mariehamn.
Martin Lisa, Jens Holger Rindel, Claus Lynge Christensen. Predicting the acoustics of ancient open-air theatres: The importance of calculation methods and geometrical details. Baltic-Nordic Acoustical meeting, 8 -10 June 2004, Mariehamn.
Lily M. Wang, Jonathan Rathsam, Steven R. Ryherd. Interactions of Model Detail Level and Scattering Coefficients in Room Acoustic Computer Simulation. International Symposium on Room Acoustics: Design and Science- a sattelite symposium of ICA 2004 Kyoto Japan.
Young-Ji Choi, Fergus R. Fricke. [N541] Evaluation of the Modelling and Auralization of Two Concert Halls. The 32nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Jeju International Convention Center, Seogwipo, Korea, August 25-28 2003. Proceedings /CD-ROM.
Ole Ebbensgaard, Søren Andersen. Parken, Copenhagen – acoustic simulation. Proceedings of the Baltic-Nordic Meeting (B-Nam 2002), p 29 – 30,Vol II. ISSN 1392-2114.
J.H. Rindel. Modelling in Auditorium Acoustics – From Ripple Tank and Scale Models to Computer Simulations. Forum Acusticum, Sevilla 2002, Paper KL-04.
Masayuki Yuge, Hiroyoshi Shiokawa, Jens Holger Rindel, Claus Lynge Christensen, Anders Christian Gade, Comparisons between Computer Simulations of Room Acoustical Parameters and the ones measured in Concert Halls. Part 2: Göteborgs Koncerthus and Berbican Concert Hall. 17th ICA, Rome. September 2 – 7, 2001
Claus Lynge Christensen, Visualising acoustic surface properties, using colours. 17th ICA, Rome. September 2 – 7, 2001.
Christoffer A. Weitze, Claus Lynge Christensen, Jens Holger Rindel and Anders Christian Gade,Computer Simulation of the Acoustics of Mosques and Byzantine Churches. 17th ICA, Rome. September 2 – 7, 2001.
& prior
Jens Holger Rindel, Hiroyoshi Shiokawa, Claus Lynge Christensen, Anders Christin Gade,Comparisons between Computer Simulations of Room Acoustical Parameters and the ones Measured in Concert Halls. Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the European Acoustics Association, 14 – 19 March 1999, Berlin. Proceedings /CD-ROM.
Møller Henrik E., Tapio Lahti, Akukon Oy Consulting Engineers, Kornetintie 4 A, FIN-00380 Helsinki, Concert Hall of Kaustinen Folk Arts Centre. Nam 98 Stokholm 7 – 9 September p. 77-80.
Lam Y.W., “On the modelling of diffuse reflections in room acoustics prediction”. BEPAC & EPSRC Conference on Sustainable Building, Proceedings p.106- 113, 1997.
J.H. Rindel, C. Lynge Christensen, Applications of a system for two-channel auralization using ODEON-SOUND. Third Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, 1996. Invited Paper 1pAA6 (6 pages).
Valtteri Hongisto, Pekka Olkinuora, Erkko Airo, Vesa Viljanen, Jussi Pekkkarinen, Kari Saine. Computer aided acoustical modelling as a tool for industrial noise control. Nordic Acoustical Meeting, Helsinki 1996. Proceedings p. 81 – 86.
Linda Madalik. Use of the Odeon Room acoustic modelling program in design. Nordic Acoustical Meeting, Helsinki 1996. Proceedings p. 59 – 64
Tapio Lahti, Henrik E. Möller. The Sigyn Hall, Turku – a concert hall of glass. Nordic Acoustical Meeting, Helsinki 1996. Proceedings p. 43 – 48.
Tor Halmrast, Oslo Consert hall, Acoustic Tests, simulations and TOR-measurements (Through Orchestra Impulse Response). Nordic Acoustical Meeting, Helsinki 1996. Proceedings p. 33 – 42.
M.J. Howarth, K.Lin, Y.W.Lam, Predicting the Acoustic influence of scale model modifications using a hybrid model, Int. Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway 1995, Proceedings Vol. II p 497 – 500.
Michael Vorländer, International Round Robin on Room Acoustical Computer Simulations, Trondheim, Norway 1995.Proceedings Vol. II p. 689 – 692. Our comment; ODEON was one of only three programs out of 16 to be judged ‘Unquestionably reliable in the prediction of room acoustical parameters’. ODEON is referenced as number eight in this paper.
J.H. Rindel, C.L.Christensen, An Auralization Tool for studying the Interaction between Room and Music, CIARM95, Second Int. Conference on Acoustics and Musical Research, Ferrara, Italy 1995. Proceedings p. 201-206.
J.H. Rindel, Room Acoustical Designing with a Computer Model and an Audio Mainframe for Auralization. Fifth Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference, Seoul 1994. Proceedings p. 577-582. Please note! The Odeon-Sound auralisation system is no longer available and the auralisation techniques used in Odeon-Sound 1.0 are not those used in ODEON 2004 and later versions.
J.H. Rindel, C. Lynge, G. Naylor & K. Rishøj, Combining a Computer Model and Commercial Sound Studio Hardware for on-line ‘sketch’ Auralization. Proceedings Wallace Clement Sabine Centennial Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 1994, p.105-108.
J.H. Rindel, How to use your Ears in Room Acoustical Design. NAM-94, Aarhus 1994. Proceedings p. 99-104.
J.H. Rindel & G.M. Naylor, Computer Modelling of Sound Fields in Rooms – the State of the Art and Outlook to the Future. 14th ICA, Beijing 1992. Proceedings F2-1. J.H.
Rindel & G.M. Naylor, Odeon – A Hybrid Computer Model for Room Acoustic Modelling. Fourth Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference, Brisbane 1991. Proceedings p. 95-102.